What is RoHS

What is RoHS
Restriction of Hazardous Substances also known as RoHS was established by the European Union on July 1st, 2006. The goal behind the creation of this standard was to restrict materials that are hazardous to the environment. The substances that were banned can be found in common electronic products from home appliances to light bulbs. The substances that are banned under the are as follow: Lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd) hexavalent chromium (CrVI), polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PEDE), as well as other phthalates (DEHP, BBP, DIBP).
One of the main goals behind the creation of the RoHS is to create a safer and efficient way in the production of electronic appliances. This includes from the beginning process of the raw goods to the end cycle for the product.
Companies that were directly affected by RoHS where any companies that sold electronic products, sub-assemblies or components directly into a country that is under the European Union. On the occasion that the companies were unable to meet the new standards, they would not be allowed to sell any of their products in the EU.
Electronics products can easily be checked to make sure they are complying with RoHS standards with a simple RoHS analyzer which is portable X-ray fluorescence or XRF metal analyzer that can be used to check if products are free of the prohibited substances.
After the original establishment of RoHS in 2006 improvements have been made. In 2011 the new standards under RoHS 2 were released, and it became law. Under the new standards, RoHS was broadened to include all electronic equipment, cables, and spare parts. All companies wishing to sale their products in the EU must comply with the new standards. This was officially implemented on January 2nd 2013, companies have until July of 2019 to assure that they are up to date with the new requirements. However, some companies must comply earlier depending on their industry. Manufacturers also must first comply with RoHS 2 new rules before they can apply the new logo on any of their products.
No changes have been made to the substance list with the new RoHS 2 was established; nonetheless, the biggest difference between RoHS and RoHS 2 is the broadness of it. With the new RoHS 2, any company involved in the supply chain of the product must comply with the rules of RoHS2. As well as additional record keeping must be done to assure that each component is complying with the new standards and must be kept for ten years.