ISO 9010:2015

Each and every one of us is able to live a safer life thanks to ISO. From having to wear hard helmets at the workplace to what materials and components are allowed to go into our children’s toys to the CO₂ emission our vehicles can release per gallon. But what is ISO and how did it begin?
The International Standard Organization also is known as ISO was first introduced in 1946 in London by 25 representatives from different countries. The objective of this meeting was to build an organization that created a set of standard regulations for the different industries around the globe to unify and have a set of common standards. After much planning ISO was officially begun operating on February 23rd, 1947.
Since its first publication in 1951 with ISO/ R 1: 1951 has published over 20,000 standards ranging from manufacturing to technology. Today one of the latest regulations in quality management is ISO 9001:2015 has recently launched and it is replacing the preceding standard of ISO 9001: 2008.
The ISO 9001:2015 follows the High- Level Structure; this makes it easier to use multiple management systems. This system allows for much of the work that used to have to be on paper for it to be digital. This idea also promotes a more sustainable environment. Using the High-Level Structure system helps many companies stay organize, increase efficiency, and saves the company money at every stage.
Another difference between the ISO 9001: 2008 to the ISO 9001: 2015 is the focus on risk-based thinking. This means that risk is now taken into account when an action is to take place. Instead of waiting for something to occur and then take action to after it happens, the risk base thinking takes into consideration what could happen. The purpose behind implementing this new standard is to create an automatic reaction when something occurs, this way instead of not having a system in place until an unforeseen event occurs a plan is already inset in the process.
This new standard not only promote efficiency and create a plan when the unexpected occurs, but also an emphasis on leadership, helps the organization manage risk and opportunities, creates more efficient supply chain, and uses simplified language to assure success in each organization.